Sorry for the over adding

posted: 4514 days ago
of picture's added to the groups....sorry because I don't mean to take up so much space.

I get inspired to "draw" often and I am atleast one page behind now. I was 3 pages behind in adding to groups yesterday

ANYWAY....It sucks that there isn't another lesbian artist here on Blingee. I wish that more stamps of attravtive lesbian coupls were loaded onto Blingee and that there were family oriented lesbians who were into photography, art and inspiring. 

I'm not as open with my art because I am conscious of having an audience and being someone who is family oriented and wants to ne a mom one day...I just refuse to make an account for my slutty nature. I mean, I see some stamps loaded for lesbians that I could use but, that are too revealing....believe it or not, I slightly care what others think of my hidden slutty nature. :)

PEACE (and yes.....I'm 100% lesbian; never ever swollowed that stuff)

In the Spotlight

happy halloween

created by: m1a6c

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