My Unique Self

Hi my name is Luna I'm a young artistic teenager, I've had a very rough year after losing my dog Snowball and cat Angel. I love horses plus own 2 and have a MAJOR Love towards Wolves. I'm also a member on the U.S Howrse :Magic Time and I was once on the International but was hacked. :( I do own 3 horses expecting 4th horse my first horse is named Ghost and he is my champion who loves to do showjumping right now working on Cross-Country.My other horse is named Ace and he's a dressage king (in my eyes). I have a mare named Winnie she's currently 9months going on 10months pregnant. She's a bay Thoroughbred and such a beauty. I own 3dogs, 1puppy and 6cats who all mean everything to me.<3

Take Care and Let your Ideas become Perfect and  Magical 

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 13
  • Blingees de ouro: 0
  • Blingees de prata: 0
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 6
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

Liam Payne
Ariana Grande
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Teodoruka disse:

2801 dias atrás
Hello! Could you please enjoy my group?

PerfectMagica... disse:

2883 dias atrás
I guess your right it's not that scary it's actually pretty cool

PerfectMagica... disse:

2883 dias atrás
When you put it that way it doesn't .


2885 dias atrás
wouldn't be scary to me...
like looking in a mirror  


2887 dias atrás
Oh cool.. been there a few times
very nice place

PerfectMagica... disse:

2895 dias atrás
Live in Kissimmee 


2895 dias atrás
wow. I lived in Daytona Beach

PerfectMagica... disse:

2895 dias atrás
Truly agree. 

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